Proceedings from most of our conferences are available for sale through CLS. We are also beginning to make volumes available online through Ingentaconnect. The list of available hard copies and their prices can be found below. To order, please send your shipping information and the quantity of each volume desired to this email or to the following address:

Chicago Linguistic Society
1115 East 58th Street
Rosenwald 203
Chicago, IL 60637 United States of America

Upon receiving your order, we will send an invoice indicating the final price including shipping. Please do not send payment without first having received an invoice. We accept cash and checks, but not credit cards.

Shipping and handling within the United States is $5 for the first book and $2.50 for each additional book. International shipping and handling is $15 for each book.

Citation Information: We have provided the title, editors, and publication year for each issue of the CLS proceedings in the table below. Clicking on the volume number in the leftmost column will lead you to a copy of the table of contents for that issue including individual paper titles, authors, and page numbers. We self-publish, so the publisher would be Chicago Linguistic Society and the address would be Chicago, Illinois.

Note: We now have PDFs of all published issues available via Google Drive here. Happy reading!

Volume Pub. Year Title Price Editors
59 2024 Proceedings of the Fifty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $95 Kutay Serova, M. K. Snigaroff
58 2023 Proceedings of the Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $95 Lucas Fagen, Sam Gray, Quain, Stephanie Reyes, Irene Tang
57 2022 Proceedings of the Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $95 Akshay Aitha, Steven Castro, Brianna Wilson
56 2022 Proceedings of the Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $95 Sanghee Kim, Naomi Kurtz, Matthew Hewett, Corinne Kasper
55 2020 Proceedings of the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $95 Ömer Eren, Asimina Giannoula, Sam Gray, Chi-Dat Lam (Daniel), Aurora Martinez Del Rio
54 2019 Proceedings of the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $95 Eszter Ronai, Laura Stigliano, Yenan Sun
53 2018 Proceedings of the Fifty-third Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $95 Daniel Edmiston, Marina Ermolaeva, Emre Hakgüder, Jackie Lai, Kathryn Montemurro, Brandon Rhodes, Amara Sankhagowit, Michael Tabatowski
52 2017 Proceedings of the Fifty-second Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $90 Jessica Kantarovich, Tran Truong, Orest Xherija
51 2016 Proceedings of the Fifty-first Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $80 Ksenia Ershova, Joshua Falk, Jeffrey Geiger, Zachary Hebert, Robert E. Lewis Jr., Patrick Munoz, Jacob B. Phillips, Betsy Pillion
50 2016 Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $80 Ross Burkholder, Carlos Cisneros, Emily R. Coppess, Julian Grove, Emily A. Hanink, Hilary McMahan, Cherry Meyer, Natalia Pavlou, Özge Sarıgül, Adam Roth Singerman, Anqi Zhang
49 2015 Proceedings of the Forty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $80 Helena Aparicio, Gallagher Flinn, Kathryn Franich, Joanna Pietraszko, Tamara Vardomskaya
48 2014 Proceedings of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $80 Andrea Beltrama, Tasos Chatzikonstantinou, Jackson L. Lee, Mike Pham, Diane Rak
47-1 2014 Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session $50 Marissa Abrego-Collier, Arum Kang, Martina Martinovic, Chieu Nguyen
47-2 2014 Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Parasession $30 "
46-1 2013 Proceedings of the Forty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session $50 Rebekah Baglini, Timothy Grinsell, Jon Keane, Adam Roth Singerman, Julia Thomas
46-2 2013 Proceedings of the Forty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Parasessions $30 "
45-1 2011 The Main Session $35 M. Ryan Bochnak, Peter Klecha, Alice Lemieux, Nassira Nicola, Jasmin Urban, Christina Weaver
45-2 2011 Proceedings of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Locality in Language $35 M. Ryan Bochnak, Peter Klecha, Alice Lemieux, Nassira Nicola, Jasmin Urban, Christina Weaver
44-1 2009 Proceedings from the Main Session of the Forty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 44-1 $35 Max Bane, José Bueno Holle, Thomas Grano, April Lynn Grotberg, Yaron McNabb
44-2 2009 Proceedings from the Panels of the Forty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 44-2 $35 "
43-1 2009 Proceedings from the Main Session of the Forty-third Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 43-1 $35 Malcolm Elliott, James Kirby, Osamu Sawada, Eleni Staraki, Suwon Yoon
43-2 2009 Proceedings from the Panels of the Forty-third Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 43-2 $35 "
42-1 2009 Proceedings from the Main Session of the Forty-second Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 42-1 $35 Jacqueline Bunting, Sapna Desai, Robert Peachey, Christopher Straughn, Zuzana Tomkova
42-2 2009 Proceedings from the Panels of the Forty-Second Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 42-2 $35 "
41-1 2008 Proceedings from the Main Session of the Forty-First Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 41-1 $35 Rodney L. Edwards, Patrick J. Midtlyng, Colin L. Sprague, Kjersti G. Stensrud
41-2 2008 Proceedings from the Panels of the Forty-First Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 41-2 $35 "
40-1 2008 Proceedings from the Main Session of the Fortieth Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 40-1 $35 Nikki Adams, Adam Cooper, Fey Parrill, Thomas Wier
40-2 2008 Proceedings from the Parasessions of the Fortieth Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 40-2 $35 "
39-1 2007 N/A $35 N/A
39-2 2007 Papers from the 39th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 39-2 $35 J. Cihlar, A. Franklin, D. Kaiser, J. Kimbara
38-1 2002 Proceedings from the Main Session of the Thirty-eighth Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 38-1 $25 Mary Andronis, Erin Debenport, Anne Pycha, Keiko Yoshimura
38-2 2002 Proceedings from the Panels of the Thirty-eighth Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 38-2 $25 "
37-1 2001 Proceedings from the Main Session of the Thirty-seventh Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 37-1 $20 Mary Andronis, Christopher Ball, Heidi Elston, Sylvain Neuvel
37-2 2001 Proceedings from the Parasessions of the Thirty-seventh Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 37-2 $20 "
36-1 2000 The 36th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session $20 Arika Okrent, John P. Boyle
36-2 2000 The 36th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Panels $20 "
35-1 1999 CLS 35: Part 1: Papers from the Main Session $20 Sabrina J. Billings, John P. Boyle, Aaron M. Griffith
35-2 1999 CLS 35: Part 2: Papers from the Panels $20 "
34-1 1998 CLS 34: Part 1: Papers from the Main Session $20 M. Catherine Gruber, Derrick Higgins, Kenneth S. Olson, Tamra Wysocki
34-2 1998 CLS 34: Part 2: Papers from the Panels $20 "
33-1 1997 CLS 33: Papers from the Main Session $20 Kora Singer, Randall Eggert, Gregory Anderson
33-2 1997 CLS 33: Papers from the Panels $20 "
32-1 1996 CLS 32: Papers from the Main Session $20 Lise M. Dobrin, Kora Singer, Lisa McNair
32-2 1996 CLS 32: Papers from the Parasession on Theory and Data in Linguistics $20 "
31-1 1995 Papers from the 31st Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 1: Main Session N/A Audra Dainora, Rachel Hemphill, Barbara Luka, Barbara Need, Sheri Pargman
31-2 1995 Papers from the 31st Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 2: The Parasession on Clitics N/A "
30-1 1994 Papers from the 30th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 1: The Main Session $20 Katharine Beals, Jeannette Denton, Robert Knippen, Lynette Melnar, Hisami Suzuki, Erica Zeinfeld
30-2 1994 Papers from the 30th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 2: The Parasession on Variation in Linguistic Theory $20 "
29-1 1993 Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 1: The Main Session $20 Katharine Beals, Gina Cooke, David Kathman, Sotaro Kita, Karl-Erik McCullough, David Testen
29-2 1993 What We Think, What We Mean, and How We Say It: Papers from the Parasession on the Correspondence of Conceptual, Semantic and Grammatical Representations $20 "
28-1 1992 Papers from the 28th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 1: The Main Session $20 Costas P. Canakis, Grace P. Chan, Jeannette Marshall Denton
28-2 1992 Papers from the 28th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 2: The Parasession N/A "
27-1 1991 Papers from the 27th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part One: The General Session N/A Lise M. Dobrin, Lynn Nichols, Rosa M. Rodriguez
27-2 1991 Papers from the 27th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part Two: The Parasession On Negation $20 "
26-1 1990 Papers from the 26th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 1: The Main Session $20 Michael Ziolkowski, Manuela Noske, Karen Deaton
26-2 1990 Papers from the 26th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 2: The Parasession $20 "
25-1 1989 Papers from the 25th Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part One: The General Session $15 Caroline Wiltshire, Randolph Graczyk, Bradley Music
25-2 1989 Papers from the 25th Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part Two: Parasession on Language in Context $15 "
Best of CLS N/A Out of print papers from 1968-1975 $15 N/A
24-1 1988 Papers from the 24th Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part One: The General Session $15 Lynn MacLeod, Gary Larson, Diane Brentari
24-2 1988 Papers from the 24th Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part Two: Parasession on Agreement in Grammatical Theory N/A "
23-1 1987 Papers from the 23rd Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part One: The General Session N/A Barbara Need, Eric Schiller, Anna Bosch
23-2 1987 Papers from the 23rd Annual Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Part Two: Parasession on Autosegmental and Metrical Phonology N/A "
22-1 1986 Papers from the General Session at the Twenty-Second Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Anne M. Farley, Peter T. Farley, Karl-Erik McCullough
22-2 1986 Papers from the Parasession on Pragmatics and Grammatical Theory at the Twenty-Second Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 "
21-1 1985 Papers from the General Session at the Twenty-first Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 William H. Eilfort, Paul D. Kroeber, Karen L. Peterson
21-2 1985 Papers from the Parasession on Causatives and Agentivity at the Twenty-first Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 "
20-1 1984 Papers from the Twentieth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Joseph Drogo, Veena Mishra, David Testen
20-2 1984 Papers from the Parasession on Lexical Semantics N/A "
19-1 1983 Papers from the Nineteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Amy Chukerman, Mitchell Marks, John F. Richardson
19-2 1983 Papers from the Parasession on The Interplay of Phonology, Morpohology, and Syntax $15 "
18-1 1982 Papers from the Eighteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Kevin Tuite, Robinson Schneider, Robert Chametzky
18-2 1982 Papers from the Parasession on Nondeclaratives $15 "
17-1 1981 Papers from the Seventeenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Rpbert A. Hendrick, Carrie S. Masek, Mary Frances Miller
17-2 1981 Papers from the Parasession on Language and Behavior $15 "
16-1 1980 Papers from the Sixteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Jody Kreiman, Almerindo E. Ojeda
16-2 1980 Papers from the Parasession on Pronouns and Anaphora $15 "
15-1 1979 Papers from the Fifteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Paul R. Clyne, William F. Hanks, Carol L. Hofbauer
15-2 1979 Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units & Levels; Papers from the Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the USSR $15 "
14-1 1978 Papers from the Fourteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Donka Farkas, Wesley M. Jacobsen, Karol W. Todrys
14-2 1978 Papers from the Parasession on the Lexicon $15 "
13-1 1977 Papers from the Thirteenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Woodford A. Beach, Samuel E. Fox, Shulamith Philosoph
13-2 1977 The CLS Book of Squibs with Cumulative Index $15 Woodford A. Beach, Samuel E. Fox, Shulamith Philosoph, Gerald Gazdar
12-1 1976 Papers from the Twelfth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society N/A Salikoko S. Mufwene, Carol A. Walker, Sanford B. Steever
12-2 1976 Papers from the Parasession on Diachronic Syntax $15 "
11-1 1975 Papers from the Eleventh Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society N/A Robin E. Grossman, L. James San, Timothy J. Vance
11-2 1975 Papers from the Parasession on Functionalism N/A "
10-1 1974 Papers from the Tenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society N/A Michael W. La Galy, Robert A. Fox, Anthony Bruck
10-2 1974 Papers from the Parasession on Natural Phonology $15 "
9-1 1973 Papers from the Ninth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society N/A Claudia Corum, T. Cedric Smith-Stark, Ann Weiser
9-2 1973 You Take the High Node And I'll Take The Low Node: Papers from the Comparative Syntax Festival $15 "
8-1 1972 Papers from the Eighth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 Paul M. Peranteau, Judith N. Levi, Gloria C. Phares
8-2 1972 The Chicago Which Hunt: Papers from the Relative Clause Festival N/A "
7-1 1971 Papers from the Seventh Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society N/A N/A
6-1 1970 Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society $15 N/A
5-1 1969 Papers from the Fifth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society N/A Robert I. Binnick, Alice Davison, Georgia M. Green, Jerry L. Morgan
4-1 1968 Papers from the Fourth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society N/A Bill J. Darden, Charles-James N. Bailey, Alice Davison